Christmas Wishes

IMG_0979I lost a week!

It’s closer to Christmas than I thought. The newspaper print of the play, A Christmas Carol in which I was a part, is now part of this Christmas via facebook posts and I can’t believe it.

So many years ago in 4th grade, something done just outside of work (schoolwork), more like an extension of playing, would again, actually be a neat thing to be remembered on this Christmas where my daughter is roughly the same age.

Time, it is moving fast and ever so slow at the same time. I think of those people I’m connected to on facebook that are from that era of time and it seems ever so much richer than just an isolated evening dinner reunion. I can peep into their window at my leisure and say “hi” and they can do the same of me if they choose. It doesn’t matter if I live in a different city or not, I can be reminded of special people I grew up with and they can surround me even if it is only the memories that I choose to remember in a span of fleeting moments. I know that I can reach out to them at any time. There is less pressure to impress. (For lots of reasons) I am who I am and parts of me haven’t changed all that much from then and other things change daily, sometimes hourly. It is a wonder of life.

Merry Christmas, my friends for we are all those points in time that we have been through, both good and bad. Here’s to Growing.


“We never know the whole man, though sometimes, in quick flashes, we know the true man. I think, myself, that one’s memories represent those moments which, insignificant as they may seem, nevertheless represent the inner self and oneself as most really oneself.
“I am today the same person as that solemn little girl with pale flaxen sausage curls. The house in which the spirit dwells; grows, develops instincts and tastes and emotions and intellectual capacities, but I myself, the true Agatha, am the same. I do not know the whole Agatha. The whole Agatha, so I believe, is known only to God.
“So there we are, all of us, little Agatha Miller, and big Agatha Miller, and Agatha Christie and Agatha Mallowan proceeding on our way -where? That one doesn’t know – which, of course, makes life exciting. I have always thought life exciting and I still do.
“Because one knows so little of it – only one’s own tiny part – One is like an actor who has a few lines to say in Act I. He has a typewritten script with his cues, and that is all that he can know. He hasn’t read the play. Why should he? His but to say ‘The telephone is out of order, madam’ and then retire into obscurity.
“But when the curtain goes up on the day of performance, he will hear the play through, and he will be there to line up with the rest and take his call…”

~This is an excerpt from the forward of “An Autobiography: Agatha Christie”

(a quote inspired by that old clipped newspaper picture that arrived in my inbox.)

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